

Warning - This is not in any way endorsed, created, coded, built or otherwise made by the Jquery Team. If you are looking for the official jquery product please go to the official jquery website.

TinyJ - a short, succinct DOM interactions library inspired by Jquery.

It doesn't have all the features that Jquery has and certainly no plugins, but minified and zipped it comes down to (TODO: update minified data) and it has the core features that JQuery has. You'll also find that a lot of the syntax is quite similar.


In plain HTML

<script src="https://unpkg.com/tinyJ/bin/tinyJ.js"></script>
    $('#paragraph').html('Hello World!')

If you're reading this from the npm page you probably want to use TinyJ for React (coming soon)

$ npm install tinyJ
import react from 'react'
import $ from 'tinyJ'
    <p id="example">

As of 0.1.1 only byId selection is available:

  • idname

You can also use $.ajax very simply:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/tinyJ/bin/tinyJ.js"> </script>
$.ajax("url here").then(function(res, err) {
    // Do something with the response

See the changelog for more information.


Hooray! You want to help?

Here's a few guidelines: We have some git hooks installed, however for a cleaner experience in this dimension, we recommend you install VScode, which has the necessary extensions outlined below:-

  1. vivaxy.vscode-conventional-commits . . .